Top Chef ™
Elimination, Best or Worst?:
Top Chef ™ Elimination Challenges - Judges call-outs
Elevated Fish Pie

Chef Buddha: "Luciana has been here for 19 years. I used to work here, and I've worked for English chefs. And fish pie will be something that you would have for family meal. "
Tom Colicchio: "First glance, when you looked at that dish, you went fish pie? First taste ... fish pie! That's exactly what you were going for. And whenever you have an intention to do something a certain way and you can pull it off with technique, you've got a winning dish."
Brett Graham: "I loved the little touch of the pickled onion popped in your mouth. It gave it a bit of acidity. And the fish was beautifully cooked. Really well done."
Padma Lakshi: "I don't like fish pie at all. But you elevated it to such a degree that I now like those flavors."
Gail Simmons: "Your fish pie felt like you had taken the deck of cards and fanned them out so we could finally see what they were."
Chef Luciana: "I quite like to open the fish pie and to see all the components. You had a bit of everything that is in the fish pie, but in a different way."
Brett Graham: "The winner today made a british classic, elevated it to a very high standard, and above all, was delicious. So the winning team today is Buddha and Luciana."

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