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Top Chef ™
Elimination, Best or Worst?:
Top Chef ™ Elimination Challenges - Judges call-outs
Salmon Nicoise

Graham Hornigold: "I thought the salmon nicoise was delicious. I thought the salmon was perfectly cooked, and I thought it hit the brief massively."
Tom Colicchio: "I didn't want to like it because I don't like the idea of salmon in nicoise, but I liked it anyway."
Padma Lakshi: "Nicole, I really loved your nicoise salad. I loved how crispy the beans were. I loved the vinaigrette."
Tom Colicchio: "The salmon was beautifully cooked, and I was like, "salmon nicoise? I don't get it. That fish doesn't swim in that water down there. It doesn't know mediterranean flavors. You proved me wrong. It worked really well."

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