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Great British Menu ™

Great British Menu ™ - Chef Name:

Experience Life in a Visual World

Experience Life in a Visual World

Hannah: :So the title of my next dish is 'Experience life in a visual world'. The inspiration behind it is Thomas Braidwood. He founded one of the first schools for the deaf. He basically was one of the biggest innovative people of bringing into society that just because you have something diverse about you doesn't mean that you can't do it. And he was one of the people who was the driving force behind British Sign Language."

Hannah: "So I have some sea bass, which I'm going to confit in duck fat. Artichokes discs on there. We've got an artichoke purée, chicken stock, beurre blanc, and then alongside that, I've got a brioche kiss. For me, if you've got a sauce like that, you need bread to dip it up."

Notes taken during cooking

Hannah's brioches hit the oven. She then poaches artichoke hearts in a lemon and chicken stock before filleting her centerpiece, Sea Bass.

Hannah: "The biggest concern for me right now is confiting that sea bass. That has to be managed with hundred percent attention."

Later ...

Hannah has cooked Jerusalem artichokes in milk, butter, and cream for her purée. And her brioches are now baked.

Hannah: "Fresh out the oven. And I'm just going to brush the brioche with some thyme butter." 

Hannahj: "And I've got the base of the beurre blanc here as well. So into this now, I'm gonna add all that butter, a little bit more if we need to, and a little bit of truffle oil. Actually, it splits out really well. It's really nice. It's like a chicken truffle beurre blanc."

Aktar Islam, talking behind the scenes

"That sauce sounds delicious. The base is delicious. I hope it's executed exactly as I'd want."


Last to serve is Hannah. With the buttery chicken beurre blanc finished, her preparation is nearly complete.

The confited sea bass is topped with pickled artichoke and oyster leaves. While Mark paints bowls with edible glue.

Each sea bass sits on the artichoke puree and is then garnished with chanterelle, deep fried artichoke and cavalo nero.

After adding a garnish of crispy artiochoke skins, the bowls are sealed.

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