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Pickled Prunes
Prep. Time:
30 mins
Total Time:
30 mins

Relaxed Recipes
300 ml water
4 oz cane sugar
1 orange studded with 12 cloves
600 ml distilled vinegar (or white wine vinegar)
227 gm (8 oz) Californian prunes
Pantry Essentials inspired by this recipe
Pour the water into a pan, add the sugar and heat gently, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.
Take the orange, studded with cloves, and add it to the syrup.
Keep on the heat, avoiding reaching 100°C on a sugar thermometer, for 30 minutes. Set aside and leave to rest for 4 hours. Remove the orange.
Add the vinegar to the syrup and add the prunes.
Leave for at least 24 hours before using.
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