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Top Chef ™: World All-Stars


Elimination Challenge

Elimination Challenge

The chefs cooked rice dishes for the judges and 100 guests at Alexandra Palace. The guest judge was Top Chef ™ South Africa host Lorna Maseko.

Padma Lakshi: "After 19 seasons of Top Chef, no ingredient has caused more chefs to pack their knives than risotto rice. Rice is a staple food around the world. From pulau to paella to tadig, rice dishes can be vastly different depending on where you're from. Rice can be quite temperamental.

You need to get the ratio between rice and water perfectly. For your elimination challenge, we want a rice dish. How you'd like to prepare it is up to you. Sweet, savory, or if you are daring, a risotto. But you should know you'll be cooking your rice dish for 100 guests at Alexandra palace. We're putting you, chefs, to the test. Remember, feature the rice. "

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