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Top Chef ™ Destination Canada


Elimination Challenge

Elimination Challenge

Kristen Kish: "Chefs, for your first elimination challenge, we want you to take us across Canada through food. Please welcome some very special guests ... Chefs Sheila Flaherty, Jeremy Charles, David Zilber, Dale McKay, and Nicole Gomes. These five chefs represent the five regions of Canada. The West; Prairie region; Central ;Atlantic; and North region. Each of them has brought along a pantry of ingredients from their local region.

Nicole Gomes: "The west coast has so much to offer, from the beautiful coastal waters all the way to the Rocky Mountains and into the Forest."

Dale McKay. "I'm really excited to show you the best products of all Canada from Saskatchewan and the prairies. 95% of lentils come from Saskatchewan, so we really are the breadbasket of the world."

David Zilber. "Everything you see on this platter could be a summertime barbecue. You can just throw all of this onto a grill and call it a day and win."

Jeremy Charles: "Coming here from St. John's Newfoundland, which produces some of the most beautiful seafood in the world. It has fed generations."

Sheila Flaherty: "I live on Baffin island in Canada's Arctic. We pretty much feed on an ocean diet"

Kristen Kish: "For your elimination challenge, we want you to use these ingredients to create dishes that will transport us through all the different regions. Each group of three will be working with one of the five pantries. You must use three of the six regional ingredients from your pantry. There is one more thing. This will be an individual challenge. Your teammates are now your competitors. One chef from each group will either be on the top, safe or up for elimination. Tomorrow you'll have two hours to cook and serve at Casa Madera."

Tom Collichio: "Use your pantry to bring your region to life. But also don't forget to put yourself on the plate."

Atlantic Region Ingredients


Dulse Seaweed


Snow Crab


Screech Rum

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