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Top Chef ™

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Aged Cheddar Fritter, Cheddar Lime Mornay and Cheddar Foam

Aged Cheddar Fritter, Cheddar Lime Mornay and Cheddar Foam

Chef Danny (presenting to judges): "I made Cheddar fritter with a cheddar lime mornay, and then the outside is a cheddar lime foam. I just try to highlight the cheese as best I could."

Kristen Kish: "Pâte a Choux and then cheddar inside?"

Chef Danny: "Exactly."

Judges (behind the scenes)

"Way to start off."


"I mean, cheese on cheese."

"Batter is beautiful. It's so light and airy. And then there's that lime and chili, which were so smart."

"But you can taste all the different parts of the cheese. The way he treated it."

"Cheddar many ways."

Berry Pies

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