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Top Chef ™

Top Chef ™ Challenge Type:
Top Chef - Chef Name:

Akara Roots

Akara Roots

Chef Victoire: "I made akara roots. So I make a cannoli with the cassava. I use five different texture of the roots. We have a great and amazing continent with an amazing astronomy. And by this food, we can change our continent." 

Padma Lakshi: "When this dish is eaten normally, is it sweet or savory?" 

Chef Victoire: "In Ghana, savory. In Congo, it's sweet."

Gaggan Anand: "I love your message, Victoire. Heartwarming that Africa should not just be a safari land, but rather be taken seriously with food. Thank you." 

(Later, during judging ...) 

Tom Colicchio: "It tells a great story. The dish itself wasn't, I don't think, the most successful." 

Gaggan Anand: "Absolutely." 

Tom Colicchio: "I thought the cream inside was just really bland. "

Gaggan Anand: "I like the humbleness of it. Her message was strong, but I think her message was not strong enough in terms of ingredients from Africa."

Padma Lakshi: "It needed a little more sugar and a little more salt, both if she wanted toe that line between the two versions that she grew up with."

Gail Simmons "Everything got a little muddled and lost."

Berry Pies

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