Top Chef ™
Top Chef ™ Challenge Type:
Third Course
Top Chef - Chef Name:
Spiny Lobster, Salsa Macha and Chaaza Sauce

Danny: "I have for you my interpretation of chaaza. And so I did spiny lobster with salsa matcha and squash and persimmon over top. And then the sauce itself is the chaaza."
Judges, behind the scenes
"I actually loved the complexity of Danny's lobster and chaaza course."
"Raw pumpkin. I don't get it."
"I had an issue with the raw pumpkin too."
"I enjoyed it. I thought it was a great contrast to the persimmon."
"I love the squash and the persimmon, but the lobster, two thirds of it was not cooked enough."
"I didn't find my lobster to be undercooked. I thought it to be, like, medium rare, medium but the two sauces made the dish, in a way, for me."
Judges Table
"Danny, your third course, the lobster temperature, did you want it fully cooked, or did you want it more in the center?"
Danny: "A medium rare lobster."
"About two thirds of our lobster was perfectly cooked, but as we worked up towards it was a little bit undercooked."
"But I love the story presentation. I thought it was really cool."
"The two sauces, your chaaza and your salsa matcha together was just magic."