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Top Chef ™

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Sunflower Choke with Goose

Sunflower Choke with Goose

Dan: "I went with sunflowers, so I used pretty much the whole part of the sunflower, from the seeds to the flowers, plus some braised goose. Then we have aronia berry puree." 

Gail Simmons: "Dan, I'm wondering, what's the foam on here?" 

Dan: "That's made from the goose stock."

Judges - conversation upon tasting

"I know Dan's style pretty well. I really enjoyed the honor of one ingredient - in this case the sunflower."

"I've never imagined myself saying this, but the foam actually serves a purpose. Because it melts into the sunflowers texturally. It's such a fun bite to eat."

"I loved the use of the sunflower choke. People should be eating more of them. There are a ton of them."

"Yes, but sunflower is just such a pain in the neck. It's so much to clean."

Danny's Carrot Slaw
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